6 steps of personal savings you may not know

6 steps of personal savings you may not know

6 steps of personal savings you may not know Saving money is without doubt a successful way of reaching many of our life goals. It often also means financial independence. Unfortunately, it can be hard...
12 ways of tax deduction you need to know

12 ways of tax deduction you need to know

“The more you do, the more you received” This quote might not be applicable with those who have income because the more revenue you get, the more tax you will have to pay. Though...
Shortcut tips for your personal savings

Shortcut tips for your personal savings

Saving your money may sound boring and old-school but in this fast changing economy where the stock market is highly volatile, the crypto currencies plunged, and the government stability become a question; savings might...
Useful tips for your personal savings

3 simple ways to repay your debt faster

Getting yourself in debt might not be a preferable choice for everyone but when it does, preparing yourself for the repayment is necessary. Without a proper preparation, tons of people have suffered imaginable interest...
3 savings plan tips for your marriage

3 savings plan tips for your marriage

Marriage life might be a dream for most couples but getting yourself prepared for it would also be a challenging task. As we all know that getting married would cost you a huge amount...
3 tips for your personal financial planning

3 tips for your personal financial planning

With the current sluggish in economy, it is really important that all individual and household plan their personal finance well since this can act like in insurance for the time you urgently need money...
4 easy ways to save your money

4 easy ways to save your money

Technological disruption has imposed significant opportunity to various businesses to grow as well as allowing numerous consumer to reach out those business. As a result, inter-connected market erupted and led to millions of financial...
How bank interest is calculated?

How bank interest is calculated?

Personal financial planning is one of the key to a sustainable wealth in this fast changing and volatile financial world whereby the bank deposits seem to be a conservative yet efficient way for beginner....